1. Cecum location, 2. Pepsin function, 3. 2nd section of Small Intestine, 4. Flap covering opening of trachea, 5. Medical name for chewing, 6. Deglutition, 7, Mechanical Digestion, 8. Purpose of bile, 9. Swallowed clump of food, 10. Storage place for bile, 11. Its secretion helps neutralize stomach acid in the duodenum, 12. Where water absorption occurs, 13. Amylase function, 14. Enzyme in saliva that fights against a bacterial infection, 15. Keeps stomach contents from entering the esophagus, 16. Controls the passage of chyme in the small intestine from re-entering the stomach, 17. Commonly caused by H. pylori bacterium, 18. Elimination of indigestible food residues, 19. Teeth that cut into and tear at food (3 types), 20. Simple columnar epithelial tissue, 21. The 2 main groups of the organs of the digestive system, 22. Opens at end of small intestine to send remaining food residue into the cecum , 23. One product secreted by gastric glands in the stomach, 24. Chronic inflammatory condition of the liver in which it becomes hard & fibrous, 25. Constipation .


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