1) There are 3 themes in Surah Al-Infitaar a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 2) Meaning of congregational prayer is a) salat al Jumua` b) group prayer c) individual prayer 3) Which is a beloved deed to Allah a) playing games b) chatting with friends c) reading Qur`an 4) Charity can be : a) donating money b) planting a tree c) both are correct 5) Who joined the prayer in the first bowing is called a) Prayer b) Masbouq worshipper c) non-masbouq worshipper 6) Which is from the behaviors of the mosque a) fill the mosque b) pray on time c) talking with others 7) the first theme of surat al-infitaar is about a) the signs of the Day of Judgement b) the blessings of Allah c) the fate of the Man 8) Which one is correct a) pray individual equals the group prayer b) pray in group is better than individual by 27 hassant c) none of the above 9) What can help us do more good deeds a) reading books b) talking too much c) choose the good company 10) Surah Al-Infitaar is also known as Surah a) Al-Burooj b) Al-Kawakeb c) Al-Inshiqaq 11) if someone joined Isha prayer in the prostration of the 2nd rakah. How many rakah he should pray after salam a) one b) two c) three 12) The rule of the congregation group is a) Sunnah b) Confirmed Sunnah c) Fard 13) The benefit of doing good deeds is surviving in adversity. a) Yes b) No c) I don`t know

lessons1,2,3 Grade 5


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