Appetizer - A small snack before a meal; starter., Bill - A statement of charges for food or drink, Complementary - Free of charge, Cutlery - Tools for eating with (fork, knife, spoon)., Dessert - Sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal., Double - Two shots (ounces) of alcohol in one drink., Garnish - Food that is added to a plate for appearance or color., Host/Hostess - A staff member in charge of greeting and seating customers in a restaurant., Napkin - A cloth or folded piece of soft paper that is used to mop up spilt food, Overdone - Food that is cooked too long but can still be eaten., Restroom - A place for people to use a toilet and wash hands., Side dish - : A small portion of food, typically bread, salad, or vegetable in sauce, that you eat with a main meal., Specialty - Food item that a restaurant is popular for., Take-out/Take-away - Food that is packed up and eaten at home., Waiter/Waitress - A man/woman who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant, Well-done - Cooked completely, Wrap - A thin, flat piece of bread with filling in the middle., Bar - A building or room where alcoholic drinks and sometime food are served.,

Vocabulary Eating out


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