1) Controls materials that enter and exit the cell a) vacuole b) nucleus c) cell membrane d) cell wall 2) These particles are being transported to a) convert /change energy b) make new molecules c) maintain homeostasis/keep the cell happy 3) Movement of water molecules across a membrane a) osmosis b) facilitated diffusion c) active transport 4) Movement on molecules from low to high concentration; energy required a) simple diffusion b) facilitated diffusion c) osmosis d) active transport 5) Selectively Permeable membrane a) membrane that lets only certain molecules based on size in or out b) membrane that lets ALL molecules in or out 6) Will molecules move in or out? How many? a) out, 5 b) in , 6 c) out , 6 d) in, 5 7) How many molecules move to reach equilibrium? In or out? a) out, 5 b) in, 5 c) out ,4 d) in , 4 8) Movement of molecules without the use of energy a) Diffusion b) Osmosis c) Active transport 9) The starch demonstration was an example of .... a) Osmosis because water was moving across the membrane b) diffusion because starch was moving across the membrane c) diffusion because iodine was moving across the membrane and the starch was too big to leave 10) The food coloring molecules moved from ___________ to ___________. This is and example of _________________. a) low to high concentrations;osmosis b) high to low; osmosis c) low to high; diffusion d) high to low; diffusion 11) The egg in corn syrup ______________ mass because_________________________. This was an example of___________. a) lost ; sugar molecules left, diffusion b) lost; water left the egg; diffusion c) gained; sugar moved in; osmosis d) lost ; water left the egg ; osmosis 12) The egg in water __________________ mass because__________________. This is an example of ___________. a) lost mass; water left the egg; diffusion b) gained mass; water entered the egg; diffusion c) gained mass; water entered the egg; osmosis d) lost mass; water left the egg; osmosis 13) The shaker box was and example of _______________________________. The divider was acting as the ____________. a) selective permeability; cell membrane b) cell cycle; cell membrane c) osmosis; cell membrane d) cell cycle; chromosomes

LJ Cell Transport and Membranes


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