how old will you be?, what country or city will you probably live in? Why?, will you probably be married or single? Why?, how many children or grandchildren will you probably have? , will you have a car, or will you have a motorcycle?, What will your salary be?, what kind of job will you probably have?, will like your job? Why? / Why not?, will you still study English? Why? / Why not?, will you study something else?, will you be famous? Why? / Why not?, will you have more free time or less free time? Why?, When will you graduate?, What kind sci-fi movie will the future be like? (The Matrix, Terminator, i-Robot, Minority Report, etc.), what will you be doing in 10 years?, After you graduate will you go for a higher degree like an M.A. or a Ph.D?, When will humans live on another planet?, What will you do after you finish university?, What other things will change about life in the future?.

Future Predictions


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