1) Who is the letter written by? a) Ms Jane Perry b) Ms Mary Btown c) Ms Charlotte King d) Mr Wendell 2) What kind of letter is it? A letter of … . a) refusal b) complaint c) invitation d) information 3) For how long will Ms Brown be away? For a … . a) month b) week c) month and a half d) year 4) What does the word Therefore express? a) transition b) conclusion c) referring d) cause and effect 5) Who asked Ms Brown to write this letter? a) Ms Jane Perry b) Nobody c) Ms Charlotte King d) Mr Wendell 6) What should Ms Brown’s substitute do with corre spondence? a) File it b) Answer it c) Write it d) Ignore it 7) What events should the substitute arrange? a) Parties b) Get togethers c) Meetings d) Webinars 8) What can Ms Charlotte King do for the substitute? a) Help her b) Contact her c) Call her d) Write a letter to her 9) Who is Ms Charlotte King? She’s Mary’s … . a) colleague b) bosom friend c) neighbour d) cousin 10) Is Ms Mary Brown married? a) Yes, she is b) No,she isn't c) Yes, she isn’t d) We don’t know



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