Present Simple "Permanent": I usually work from my home office, I sometimes go to audits with a colleague, BaFin & Bundesbank usually work together. , Past Simple "1": I ate pizza yesterday, I studied in Bonn last year., We worked together in 2020., Future "Will": I will do some gardening next week., I will visit my Uncle in London next year, We will work together in 2025, Present Perfect "Do + For / Since": I have worked at BaFin for 10 years, I have been supervising banks since 2020, Present Progressive "Temporary": I am participating in Neil's workshop now, I am sitting on my chair at the moment, We are working together currently , Past Progressive "1 while 1": I was driving to work while I listened to the radio, I was watching the football while I drank a beer, Past Perfect "1+1": I had studied law before I joined BaFin, I had lived in Bonn before I moved to Frankfurt, Future "ing + time": I am ending the workshop at 12:15pm, I am watching the football match on Wednesday at 8:45,



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