The Father of Nations - Abraham is know as , The belief that God's act of revealing himself in words and deeds. - Revelation, The Angel told herr she was going to be the mother of God's Son. She did not understand how this could be. - Mary, Are devoted to Mary. She is a perfect model of faith. - Catholics, was sent ti a town in Galilee called Nazareth to see Mary - The Angel Gabriel, Mary - "Behold, I amThe handmaid of the lord. May it be done to me according to your word., Abraham and Sarah had great - Faith, Gods promise that they would have many descendants who would become the nation of Israel. - Abraham and Sarah believed , God called the hebrews - "My People", God asked Abraham to - Follow him beginning a special relationship with the hebrews., our own father in faith. Christians, Jews and Muslims - Abraham, Abraham is - our own father in faith, patriarch - father (man) led, trace their religion back to Abraham and honor him. - Muslims , Sarah and Abraham's promised son - Issac, God changed Abram's name - to Abraham,


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