1) I couldn't make sense of the writing because it was simply _______________ (LEGIBLE) a) DISILEGIBLE b) ILLEGIBLE c) IMLEGIBLE 2) We would like to point out the __________ between the two girls. (SIMILAR) a) SIMILARHOOD b) SIMILARNESS c) SIMILARITY 3) The teacher is very annoyed at Aaron because she's so ___________ in class. (OBEY) a) DISOBEDIENCE b) DISOBEDIENT c) IMOBIDIENT 4) Are you sure you didn't _________ him? He can't have said that. (UNDERSTAND) a) DISUNDERTOOD b) MISUNDERSTOOD c) INUNDERSTOOD 5) Homework makes a lot of students very ________. Some even become sick! (ANXIETY) a) ANXIOUS b) ANXIOUSNESS c) ANXIOUSHOOD 6) Vicky's ................... at work was noticed so the boss called her at home (ABSENT) a) ABSENMENT  b) ABSENHOOD  c) ABSENCE 7) Although I liked living with my family, I didn't like the lack of __________. (PRIVATE) a) PRIVITY b) PRIVACY c) PRIVMENT 8) Parking space in the city is ______due to the ______ of car parks. (ADEQUATE, SHORT) a) INADEQUATE / SHORTAGE b) UNADEQUATE / SHORTNESS c) INADEQUATE / SHORTNESS 9) I called to apologize for the __________ I had caused (CONVENIENT) a) DISCONVENIENCE b) INCONVENIENCE c) MISCONVENIENCE 10) The _________ of that lake has never been measured. (DEEP) a) DEEPFUL b) DEPTH c) DEEPNESS 11) The doctor advised me to exercise a lot in order to ________ my back muscles. (STRONG) a) STRENGHTENING b) STRONGLY c) STRENGTHEN  12) Mark ________ anything I do. We simply can’t get along with each other. (LIKE) a) UNLIKE b) DISLIKES c) IMLIKE 13) ________ is an important skill for architects. (IMAGINE) a) IMAGINHOOD b) IMAGINATION c) IMAGINITY 14) Michael Jackson was the most influential artist in ________ back in the 90's. (ENTERTAIN) a) ENTERTAINSION b) ENTERTAINMENT c) ENTERTAINESS

B2.3 - Prefixes & Suffixes


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