Your data set is asymmetrical, which measure of center would you choose?, You are given a box and whisker plot, which measure of center and variability would be easiest to calculate?, What is one effective way to gather a random sample?, If 20% of a large, random sample of Jolly Ranchers is watermelon flavored, what percentage of ALL Jolly Ranchers would you expect to be watermelon flavored?, Your data set is symmetrical, which measure of center would you choose?, What is the mean of this data set: 2, 8, 7, 3, 4, 6, 9, 1?, If the MAD of a data set is 0.5 and the mean is 4, would a new data set with a mean equal to 4.5 be considered significantly different?, Which is better? A random sample with 10 data points or a random sample with 100 data points?, What is the median of this data set: 2, 8, 7, 3, 4, 6, 9, 1, You know the mean of a data set, which measure of variability would be easiest to calculate with the mean?, If the MAD of a data set is 0.5 and the mean is 4, would a new data set with a mean equal to 8 be considered significantly different?.

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