nz date - 12.51pm 22nd feb 2011, 10 seconds, nz richter scale magnitude - 6.3, nz depth - 4.99 km (shallow), nz plate margin - conservative, pacific and australiasian, nz immediate responses - $6-7 mil intl aid, red cross and charities, rescue crews, 300 australian police officers, 30,000 residents provided with toilets, nz deaths - 185, nz injuries - 3129, nz properties damaged - 100,000, nz $ damage caused - 28 mil, nz migration - 1/5 of population, nz years for economy to recover - 50-100, nz water and sewage restoration - august 2011, h time - 4.53pm january 12th 2010, h depth - 13km , h richter scale magnitude - 7, h plate boundary - conservative, caribbiean and north american, h rescue teams delay - 48 hrs, h no. of people directly affected - 3 mil, h deaths - 230,000 , h homeless - 1 million, h homes destroyed - 250,000, h commercial buildings destoroyed - 30,000, h secondary effect illness - cholera outbreak due to contaminated water in temporary shelters, h camps after 1 year - 1,300, h total cost - $7.8 billion ,

christchurch and haiti - earthquakes in hic/lic case study


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