1) Professor Anderson SIMPL... the research findings in the last month's press release. a) simpliated b) simplified c) simplen d) simplised 2) It is a revolutionary new synthetic material that HARD... on contact with water... a) hardates b) hardifies c) hardens d) hardises 3) Before the ship leaves port, please FAMILIAR... yourself wt the details in the saety booklet... a) familiarate b) familiarify c) familiaren d) familiarise 4) She had the ability to CAPTIVE... almost any audience... a) captivate b) captivatify c) captivaten d) capitivatise 5) The specimens were CLASS... according to their country of origin... a) classated b) classified c) classened d) classited 6) One type of robo we'll be seeing a lot more is the driverless car - the state-of-the-art CREATE... a) creatable b) creatory c) createful d) creation 7) This is causing the researchers involved no end of ANXIOUS.. a) anxiousable b) anxiety c) anxiousful d) anxiousible 8) They are asked to merge into  the fast-flowing traffic of a CHAOS.. highway... a) chaosible b) chaosless c) chaotic d) chaosive 9) Driverless cars have been involved in twice as many crashes as CONVENTION... cars. a) conventionible b) conventional c) conventionic d) conventionory 10) Fortunately, all of the crashes have been relatively HARM... a) harmable b) harmless c) harmic d) harmal 11) They will have to program cars to DIFFERENT... between times when the law must be strickly obeyed... a) differenten b) differentise c) differentiate d) differentate 12) Police pulled over a driverless car and issued to confused ENGINE... on board a ticket. a) engin b) engineers c) engineering d) enginement


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