All good things must come to an end - If you have made a mistake, admit it., Better late than never - Anisha used to argue with her sister. Being away though, she misses her sister a lot., Honesty is the best policy - Alex really enjoyed his time as an exchange student to Italy and was sad to leave., Necessity is the mother of invention - That restaurant may look old but it serves the best nasi dagang here., Don't judge a book by its cover - After weeks of practising on the piano, her performance was excellent., All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - No matter where Mr Teong travels, he still likes Malaysian food and people the best, Two head are better than one - The student entered the exam hall 30 minutes late because his school bus broke down., Absence makes the heart grow fonder - Kamal cannot just study all the time. He needs to have fun too., Practice makes perfect - Let's think of a solution together., There's no place like home - The victims were able to free themselves from the room using a hairpin.,

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