skiing - Hello, it's Sam. I'm in San Francisco, it's snowing here. I'm _______ later today in the mountain. Are you coming?, swimming - Hi! It's Sam. Sonia and I came to the beach. She's _______ right now. What are you doing?, doing - Hey it's me, Zeynep. Right now I'm _________ my homework, but I can visit you later. , watching - Hi, it's Lola. I'm ________ the TV show you recommended me, Euphoria, and I love it!, playing - Hey it's Alex. I have a new game and I'm _______ it later today. Do you want to come?, working - Hi babe! It's me. I'm ________ late today. Don't wait for me. See you., raining - Hi Sara!, it's me, Jorge. The weather is so bad, it's _________ I'm taking a taxi., having - Hi, it's me Mei. I'm with my high school friends, and we're _______ a good time. Do you want to come? , taking - Hi it's me, Carla. I'm at the museum right now and I'm ______ some pictures. What are you doing?,

Phones messages-Present Continuous


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