1) Which one is NOT correct? a) You can meet face to face with new friend from the internet.  b) You should not believe everything on the internet. 2) Find the strongest password a) steven2020 b) 1982246750 c) 01092010 d) %7f9JT.M4 3) Which one is NOT related to the internet safety? a) Antivirus b) Strong Password c) Healthy life d) Copyright 4) Which one is a web 2 tool? a) canva b) PUBG c) Microsoft Paint 5) What is etwinning ? a) Online game b) Freeware app c) Project site 6) Which one is NOT precaution for online security? a) antivirus b) Taking course about security c) online game d) Be careful while surfing on the net 7) What is that like "sending hurtful, abusing mesages; spreading lies on the net" a) Exploring on the net b) Friendship c) cyberbullying 8) It should be checked whether there is the phrase "https" in the link address of the sites that we operate over the public network. a) Yes b) No 9) Information on the Internet is always safe? a) Yes b) No


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