1) what does ZPD mean? a) zone of proximal development b) zone of partial development c) zone of development d) zone of past development e) zone of particular development f) zone development 2) Who developed the concept scaffolding? a) Vygotsky b) Bruner c) Chomsky  d) Piaget e) Anna Croft f) Bromfordbrenner 3) What is scaffolding  a) Socialising with children  b) A form of support for meeting children's needs  c) Keeping children safe  d) Looking after a child's wellbeing  4) How is scaffolding included in mathematics a) Counting with children b) Show, then ask the child to repeat  c) Football d) Drawing around shapes 5) who created the theory ZPD a) Bruner b) Vygotsky c) Bowlby d) Frobel 6) Who created the theory ZPD? a) Bruner b) Vygotsky c) Bowlby d) Frobel 7) What factors positively affect how children learn mathematics? a) Dyscalculia b) Socio- economic c) Brain damage d) Parents and carers  8) Identify 2 ways maths is evident in children's everyday lives? a) Playing shop in the home corner  b) Falling over  c) Tying shoe laces  d) Finding numbers on a remote control  9) How could you scaffold children's mathematical development? a) Model concept  b) Having math resources c) Child to work independently d) Work together with the child 10) The EYFS is based on assessment in ... a) 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas b) 3 specific areas c) 4 prime areas d) English and Maths 11) An example of biological factor is... a) An influence of parents and carers b) Attitudes towards maths c) socio- economic factors d) Learning disability 12) Which theorist was influenced by Vygotsky? a) Bandura b) Skinner c) Bruner d) Chomsky 13) Mathematics is a prime area of the EYFS? a) False b) True

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