1) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) love b) move c) above d) gloves 2) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) overall b) fall c) all d) shall 3) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) eight b) weight c) height d) neighbour 4) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) oat b) coach c) roach d) oar 5) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) slice b) dice c) price d) notice 6) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) naughty b) daughter c) laughter d) caught 7) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) dough b) though c) although d) cough 8) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) owl b) towel c) bowl d) fowl 9) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) rear b) dear c) bear d) fear 10) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) shout b) loud c) round d) pour 11) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) beard b) learn c) fear d) dear 12) Choose the word in which the letters are pronounced differently: a) jewel b) blew c) knew d) sew


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