1) .........Andy eat porridge for breakfast? a) Do b) Does 2) ...... your mother cook pies with cabbage? a) Does b) Do 3) ........ it snow in winter in Great Britain? a) Does b) Do 4) ...... they sometimes go to the circus? a) Does b) Do 5) ...... Mike and Kay usually go to Spain in summer?. a) Does b) Do 6) ...... you often have tests at school? a) Does b) Do 7) ...... Victor like to drink coffee with milk? a) Does b) Do 8) ...... she learn English verbs? a) Does b) Do 9) ...... they .often go to the cafe? a) Does b) Do 10) ...... Nelly and Janet sing very well? a) Does b) Do 11) ...... you like to dance? a) Does b) Do 12) ..... Granny often send you presents? a) Does b) Do 13) ...... Bessy like to play tennis? a) Does b) Do 14) ...... Johnny like to drinkjuice for lunch? a) Does b) Do 15) ...... Paul and Fred like to eat meat for dinner? a) Do b) Does 16) ...... you often go to the shop? a) Do b) Does 17) ...... Joe help his grandfather in the garden? a) Do b) Does 18) ...... Molly live in England? a) Do b) Does 19) ...... Joe help his grandfather in the garden ? a) Do b) Does 20) ..... Alice often wash her hair? a) Do b) Does

5 Spotlight- Present Simple- general questions


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