1) It’s raining. You ________ take an umbrella. a) should b) shouldn’t 2) It’s very sunny. You ________ pack sunglasses. a) should b) shouldn’t 3) It’s very hot. You _________ take your jacket. a) should b) shouldn’t 4) We are going camping. You ________ pack your sleeping bag. a) should b) shouldn’t 5) We aren’t going to swim. You ________ take a swimsuit. a) should b) shouldn’t 6) There are a lot of mosquitos. You ________ use bug spray. a) should b) shouldn’t 7) We are going to go hiking. You ________ pack your hiking boots. a) should b) shouldn’t 8) It isn’t cold. You _________ take a woolen hat. a) should b) shouldn’t 9) Our parents are very tired. They ________ work so hard. a) should b) shouldn’t 10) Billy is allergic to cats. He ________ touch them. a) should b) shouldn’t 11) She isn’t feeling very well. She ________ see her doctor. a) should b) shouldn’t 12) My sister always gets travel-sick. She ________ take some medicine before the journey. a) should b) shouldn’t

Advice (should x shouldn’t)


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