1) He will be very happy if she ... to the party. a) COME b) COMES c) CAME d) COMING 2) Every evening the apples are ... to the factory. a) TAKING b) TAKE c) TAKEN d) TAKES 3) Peter and Claude live in Paris and ... my sister. a) SO DOES b) SO DO c) NEITHER DOES d) NEITHER DO 4) He always uses the dictionary to look ... new words.  a) IN b) ON c) BY d) UP 5) This is the town ... Sharon went to school. a) WHEN b) WHAT c) THAT d) WHERE 6) She doesn't really enjoy ... in the sea. a) SWIMMING b) TO SWIM c) SWIM d) SWIMING 7) If it ... tomorrow, the kids will be really happy. a) SNOW b) SNOWED c) SNOWING d) SNOWS 8) When Paul was a teenager, his parents let him ... out late.  a) STAY b) STAYED c) STAYS d) STAYING 9) You had ... tidy your room now! a) BETTER b) RATHER c) SHOULD d) PREFER 10) The music was ... loud so we left the party. a) VERY MUCH b) TOO MANY c) ENOUGH d) TOO 11) While the teacher was ... the homework, the bell rang. a) EXPLAINED b) EXPLAIN c) EXPLAINING d) EXPLAINS 12) They go ... on Saturdays. a) SHOPPING b) SHOPS c) SHOPPED d) SHOP 13) My brother likes video games and ...  a) NEITHER DO I b) SO DO I c) NEITHER HAVE I d) SO AM I 14) She has never enjoyed ... in the city. a) LIVE b) LIVED c) LIVING d) LIVES 15) Lisa hasn' t ... me for what I did. a) FORGIVEN b) FORGAVE c) FORGIVED d) FORGOT 16) If I had money, I ... buy a new car. a) WILL BUY b) HAVE BOUGHT c) WOULD BUY d) BUY 17) The comedy show ... in America a) IS MADE b) WILL MAKE c) BE MADE d) IS MAKING 18) Last week, we ... our neighbour's kittens a) TRIED ON b) TOOK OFF c) PUT OFF d) LOOKED AFTER 19) The fire alarm ... when the fire started. a) RING b) RANG c) RINGED d) RINGING 20) William goes to that club, ...? a) DON' T HE? b) IS HE? c) DOESN'T HE? d) DO HE?

Choose the best option (Preintermediate)


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