1) I .... football. a) play b) plays 2) He ..... basketball. a) play b) plays 3) They .... in the river. a) swim b) swims 4) She .... teeth. a) brush b) brushs c) brushes 5) Tom .... a) sings b) sing c) singes 6) You .... a) dives b) dive 7) Anna .... TV. a) watches b) watch c) watchs 8) Alex .... a) paint b) paintes c) paints 9) We .... . a) mix b) mixes c) mixs 10) A cat .... a tree. a) climbes b) climb c) climbs 11) My friend .... homework. a) dos b) do c) does 12) Tim and Tina .... . a) run b) runs c) runes 13) I .... apples. a) likes b) like 14) His father .... tea. a) drink b) drinks c) drinkes


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