The ____ helps our body with ____ and includes lungs, blood vessels and ____ The muscles that power your ____ are also part of the ____ system. These parts work together to move ____ throughout the body and clean out waste gases like ____ The heart pumps blood to the body using many stages such as..... - The ____ first enters the right ____ - Then, the blood flows through the ____ valve into the right ventricle - When the ____ beats, the ____ pushes blood through the ____ valve into the pulmonary ____ The lungs help oxygen flow and lets carbon dioxide out of the human body.. What does the lungs do?..... Lets see - Gas Exchange – ____ and ____ Breathing – movement of ____. ____ Olfactory Assistance – ____ Protection – from ____ and ____ entering body through ____ production, ____, and ____.

Science Assesment - Unit 1&2


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