1) You _______ tidy up/clean your room. a) Must b) Mustn't 2) You __________ play with a knife. a) Must b) Mustn't 3) You _______ wear a hat in winter. a) Must b) Mustn't 4) You _______ eat lots of fruits and vegetables. a) Must b) Mustn't 5) You _______ help your sister. a) Must b) Mustn't 6) You _______ eat pasta with your hands. a) Must b) Mustn't 7) You _______ eat a lot of sweets. a) Must b) Mustn't 8) You _______ be rude. a) Must b) Mustn't 9) You _______ listen to your Mom. a) Must b) Mustn't 10) You _______ touch the iron. a) Must b) Mustn't 11) You _______ wash your hands before eating. a) Must b) Mustn't

Must or Mustn't


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