1) to be a) been/were b) was/were c) was/where d) was/been 2) to make a) made b) meid c) mad d) make 3) to think a) thoght b) thoutgh c) thought d) thout 4) to go a) gone b) want c) goned d) went 5) to build a) build b) built c) bilt d) builded 6) draw a) drew b) druw c) drawn d) drown 7) to put a) pet b) pat c) put d) pot 8) to become a) become b) becaime c) be come d) became 9) to rise a) risen b) rose c) rised d) raise 10) to mean a) meant b) ment c) meand d) mean 11) to choose a) choice b) chosen c) chouse d) chose 12) to lose a) losen b) lost c) losed d) loose 13) to bring a) broght b) brout c) brought d) broutgh 14) to swear a) swore b) sworn c) sworned d) sweared 15) to throw a) thrown b) throwed c) threwd d) threw

Preterit - Irregular verbs


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