1) Do you think traditional newspapers will disappear? Why? 2) What is the role of mass media? 3) Are there certain things the journalists shouldn't report on? 4) Think of an important news story. What was it? 5) In what ways does your grandmother or grandfather dress/dressed differently from you? 6) What kinds of clothes are in fashion now? Is it important to wear fashionable clothes? 7) Describe the last restaurant you went to. What was it like? What was the food like? 8) What's the strangest food you've ever eaten. Describe the taste 9) Describe a popular meal in your country and how to prepare it 10) What's your favourite restaurant. Why? 11) Which invetion has had the greatest impact on society in the last 100 years? Why? 12) How has technology has had an impact on education? 13) Modern technology owes ecology an apology. Explain 14) Explain how to write an email on your computer/ send a text message on your phone 15) Talk about the best/worst film you've watched

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