1) There are roses on ... side of the door. a) any b) either c) none d) both e) all 2) Are ... of you two interested in coming with me? a) either b) none c) any d) anybody e) no 3) - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? - I'm afraid ... day is possible. a) both b) other c) either d) neither e) none 4) ... of my numerous friends speaks French. a) Neither b) None c) Both d) Either e) No 5) I was invited to two parties last week but I didn't go to ... of them. a) no b) both c) neither d) either e) none 6) Vicky had two job offers but she didn't want to work for ... company. a) no b) none c) neither d) both e) either 7) I haven't seen ... of those two films, so I don't mind which one we go to. a) both b) no c) either d) neither e) none 8) I haven't met ... of Jack's parents so I don't know what they are like. a) none b) some c) neither d) both e) either 9) Come on Tuesday or Thursday. ... is OK. a) Either b) Neither c) Both d) Another e) None 10) There were two flights available but I couldn't get on ... of them. a) no b) both c) none d) neither e) either

PRONOUNS (either/neither/both/any) ЦТ 2020


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