1) My mother is _____ (tall) of my family. a) the tallest b) taller than 2) I am ______ (young) in my family. a) the youngest b) the most youngest 3) Brad Pitt is _______ (handsome)  actor in Hollywood. a) more handsome b) the most handsome 4) This book is _______ (good) book I've ever read. a) the best b) the goodest 5) Bikes are ______ (noisy) means of transport. a) the noisiest b) noisiest 6) Elephants are _____ (big) animals. a) big b) the biggest 7) German is _____ (difficult) language to learn in the world. a) the most difficult b) the difficultest than 8) Pizza is ______ (delicious) food. a) the most delicious b) more delicious than 9) Jack is ____ (smart) boy in the class. a) smarter than b) the smartest 10) My hair is _____ (long) hair in the class. a) the most longest b) the longest 11) This is ____ (comfortable) armchair in my house. a) the most comfortable b) the comfortablest 12) This TV show is ____ (bad) tv show. a) the baddest b) the worst



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