Units - The first column to the left of the decimal point, Tens - The second column to the left of the decimal point, Tenths - The first column to the right of the decimal point, Multiples - The result of multiplying a number by an integer., Approximate - Means the same as roughly, Ascending - From smallest to largest (going up in value), Mean - Adding all the data and dividing by how many there are, Descending - From largest to smallest ( going down in value), Median - The middle value when all the numbers are placed in order, Mode - The number or letter which occurs most often, Range - the difference between the biggest and smallest numbers in a set, Enlarge - To make a shape bigger, Square - The answer when a whole number is multiplied by itself, Cube - The answer when a whole number is multiplied by itself twice, Square root - The square root of a number is another number which produces the first number when it is multiplied by itself. For example, the square root of 16 is 4., Cube root - The cube root of a number is another number that makes the first number when it is multiplied by itself twice. For example, the cube root of 8 is 2., Factor - A whole number which divides exactly into another, Prime - A number that can only be divided exactly by itself and one,

year 8- Keywords and Definitions


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