Are zoos a good thing?, What are the keys to a happy life?, Would it be the right thing if you could go back in time and kill baby Hitler?, Advertising targeting children is immoral., What quality do you most admire?, Organ donation should be mandatory., Who is the most successful person you know?, Is trial by jury immoral?, Is the boarding school system beneficial to children?, Can war or destruction/violence type toys be bad for children?, Is cloning animals ethical? Would cloning humans be ethical?, Is euthanasia justified?, Isn't Batman just a rich guy going around punching miserable people without consequences, while he could actually be solving the problems of Gotham in better ways?, What do you think is getting better in life/the world?, Is it ethical to make money out of people's need for shelter (having a house to live in)?, Is first meeting people online somehow inferior to meeting them in other ways?, What social stigma does society need to get over?, What invention doesn’t get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world?, What movie, picture, or video always makes you laugh no matter how often you watch it?, Would you rather have bionic arms or bionic legs?, If all animals were the same size, what would win in a fight?, What's your favorite smell?, What can you talk about for hours?, Given the choice of anyone in the world (alive or dead), whom would you want as a dinner guest?, Is there anything you are sick and tired of hearing jokes about?, Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?, In what ways do you benefit the world?, What's the best gift you've ever received?, Would anything change in your life if extraterrestrial life was discovered? Why and how?, What is the oldest thing you own? Is there a cool story behind it?.

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