How many jumps do you need to make successfully to graduate Airborne School and how long does the training take?  - 5 jumps and it takes 3 weeks, What is the second physical test on day one? - (to reach the cable) they must connect to before jumping, How many students enrol/enroll in the Airborne School each year and are there any female students?  - 15,000 but roughly 13,000 graduate and about 10% of students are female, What does the mock door prepare students for?  - It prepares them for what it’s like to jump but not to land, What does PLF stand for and what is it for?  - It stands for the parachute landing fall and is to develop a safe technique for landing, How can paratroopers avoid a collision?  - Executing a slip is the only option for avoiding a collision, Why did one of the students jump the mock tower 22 times?  - She had to perfect it and get it right, Why did the rigger remove the parachute from circulation?  - There was a hole in the apex, What do two instructors do before the students jump?  - They go to assess the wind conditions, Where do they ignite a smoke bomb?  - on the ground in a barrel, Can you be a paratrooper if you are scared of heights?  - Yes, a lot of folks are scared of heights, How long does the falling take?  - 18-20 seconds, Is there a clear zone when they jump?  - No, they have to have their vehicles out there for emergency purposes, Are flawless landings common during the final jump? Why?  - No, they are rare because of 35 pounds of combat gear added to their load, What is the “leg” thing?  - A leg is someone who doesn’t have Airborne wings.,

Army Paratroopers Go Through At Airborne School - questions


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