1) what is the past and past participle of  GIVE? 2) what is the past and past participle of  FLY? 3) what is the past and past participle of EAT? 4) what is the past and past participle of COME? 5) what is the past and past participle of GO? 6) what is the past and past participle of DRINK? 7) what is the past and past participle of BITE? 8) what is the past and past participle of  CATCH? 9) what is the past and past participle of SLEEP? 10) what is the past and past participle of GROW? 11) what is the past and past participle of THROW? 12) what is the past and past participle of GET? 13) what is the past and past participle of RUN? 14) what is the past and past participle of UNDERSTAND? 15) what is the past and past participle of DRIVE? 16) what is the past and past participle of  SEE? 17) what is the past and past participle of  READ? 18) what is the past and past participle of  RIDE? 19) what is the past and past participle of SING? 20) what is the past and past participle of SWIM?



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