If you ..................... (tell) me, I .......................... (know) about your problems., I ........................ (call) the police if you ............................ (not leave) me!, I can't imagine what I ........................ (do) with the money if I ........................ (win) the lottery., You ............................ (not get lost) if you ......................... (take) the map., If the machine ......................... (stop), you ....................... (press) this button., If Bill .................. (not steal) the money, he ....................... (not be) in prison now., Let me give you some advice. If you ................. (smoke) less, you ...................... (not feel) so tired., If Mark .................... (work) harder, he ........................ (get) promotion., If she ............................. (not understand) the task, I .......................... (help) her, I promise!, Unless Bob ........................ (buy) pasta, Susan ............................ (not prepare) spaghetti., If I .......................... (not stay up) so late last night, I .......................... (not feel) so tired this morning., I ........................... (be) in terrible trouble right now if you ......................... (not help) me., If Tracy ....................... (be) as good at maths as you are, she ........................ (not need) extra lessons last month..



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