1) If I ............ to London, I`ll see the Tower of London. a) go b) will go c) goes 2) If it rains, I ............ to the park. a) don't go b) not go c) won't go 3) If I have enough money, I ........... some new shoes. a) buy b) will buy c) buys 4) She ........ the bus if she doesn`t leave soon. a) will miss b) misses c) miss 5) If I study today, I .......... to the party tonight. a) goes b) go c) will go 6) If my friend ............ late, I`ll be upset. a) is b) will be c) be 7) Your boss will be angry if you .............. the job. a) don't finish b) won't finish c) doesn't finish 8) If you eat lots of ice-cream, you ............. a stomach-ache. a) will have b) had c) have 9) If she ............ to university, her parents won`t be happy. a) won't go b) doesn't go c) not goes 10) If you tell him the truth, he ........... angry. a) doesn't be b) isn't c) won't be 11) If he ........... late, he will take a taxi. a) will b) will be c) is 12) She won't be late for school if she .......... early. a) get up b) gets up c) will get up 13) If it is sunny, I ....... for a walk. a) will go b) go c) goes 14) What will you buy if you ......... shopping? a) will go b) go c) goes 15) Where ......... if it rains this afternoon? a) do you go b) will you go c) you go

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