biology - The study of living things., cell - The smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body, mitochondria - Generates energy from food that the rest of the cell can use., cytoplasm - A watery, gel-like substance made of mostly salt and water that provides a structure for the cell parts so they can move freely within the cell membrane., nucleus - A small egg-shaped structure inside the cell which acts like the brain of the cell. It tells every part of the cell what to do., ribosome - Tiny factories in the cell. They make proteins that perform all sorts of functions for the cell's operation., membrane - A thin but tough wall surrounding the cell. It allows useful substances to enter the cell. But it blocks the entry of harmful substances., characteristics - Something that makes a person or thing different from others, movement - Is the state of changing something's position—that is, changing where something is., growth - An increase in size., respiration - The process that all living things go through to create the energy they need to live. It usually involves exchanging two gasses—oxygen and carbon dioxide. The cells take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide., sensitivity - Living things can sense what is going on around them, and are able to respond to it. Animals have sense organs, such as eyes, that tell them what is going on outside their bodies., reproduction - All living things reproduce, or create offspring. Animals’ offspring are often called babies., excretion - The process by which animals expel waste products and other toxic substances from their body., nutrition - How we get the food we need to grow healthy and strong. Vitamins and minerals help our bodies to function and grow.,

G6 Science Vocabulary - Biology


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