Classmates - Students who are in the same class as you at school or college, Colleague - People you work with, especially in a professional job, Flatmate - A person who shares a flat with someone else, Groom - A man who is getting married or who has just got married, Penfriend - It is someone you write friendly letters to and receive letters from, although the two of you may never have met., Step-sister - She is the daughter of someone's stepfather or stepmothe, Sister-in-law - She is the sister of their husband or wife, or the woman who is married to one of their siblings., Turning-point - It is a time at which an important change takes place which affects the future of a person or thing., Ancestor - They are the people from whom you are descended, Descendant - People in later generations who are related to someone, Adult - It is a mature, fully developed person, Lasting - Continuing to exist or to have an effect for a long time, Brotherly - Showing affection and concern; affectionate, Relatives - The fact of being or looking similar to somebody/something, Idolise - To think that someone is perfect, Argument - An angry disagreement between people, Posh - That it is smart, fashionable, and expensive,

Vocabulary/Family & Relationships/FCE


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