aunt - your father/mother's sister, uncle - your father/mother's brother, grandparent - your father/mother's parent, cousin - child of your aunt/uncle, nephew - son of your sister/brother, niece - dauhter of your sister/brother, husband - the man you married, wife - the woman you married, father-in-law - your husband/wife's father, stepmother - your father's wife from a new marriage, great-grandmother - your grandparent's mother, pleased with - leuk vinden/blij zijn met, similar to - gelijk zijn aan, to visit - bezoeken, to watch - (be)kijken, to work - werken, to finish - afmaken, to wash - wassen, to use - gebruiken, to share - delen, to teach - lesgeven, to cook dinner - eten koken, to do the ironing - kleren strijken, to do the washing - de was doen, to unload the dishwasher - de vaatwasser uitladen, to set the table - de tafel dekken, to tidy your bedroom - je kamer opruimen, excited about - enthousiast over, famous for - bekend vanwege, frightened of - bang voor,

Vocab Unit 1 - Family and Friends


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