1) Mark ... to the cinema tomorrow. a) goes b) will go c) go d) went 2) I will eat chocolate cake ... a) yesterday b) every week c) this morning d) tomorrow 3) ... you write the test next Friday? a) Will b) Are c) Is d) Do 4) I think Mike ... a newspaper next week. a) won't read b) didn't read c) don't read d) doesn't read 5) Harry ... his teeth next weekend. a) brushes b) brush c) won't brush d) aren't brushing 6) Helen will ... her hands before her breakfast. a) washes b) washed c) is washing d) wash 7) .... you ... your ice cream for me? a) Will ... take b) Were ... take c) Are ... take d) Does ... take 8) My mother ... me a new bike next month. a) buy b) bought c) will buys d) will buy 9) Your brother will ... swim next week. a) swim b) swam c) is swimming d) swims 10) What ... you drink tomorrow? a) does b) will c) is d) was

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