1) One of the most powerful rulers of ancient Persia. He ruled from 522 to 486 BCE. a) Darius b) Xerxes c) Leonidas d) Thedipides 2) A plain in Ancient Greece, was the site of a decisive battle fought between the Athenians and Persians in 490 BCE. a) Marathon b) Athens c) Cairo 3) The birthplace of philosophy, architecture, literature, and political ideas a) Athens b) Cairo c) The Roman Empire 4) Established after the fall of the Assyrian Empire and expanded into the area that is current-day Iran a) The Persian Empire b) The Roman Empire c) The Holy Roman Empire d) The Byzantine Empire 5) The southernmost country on the Balkan Peninsula. It consists of a mountainous mainland and more than 2,000 islands. a) Greece b) Athens c) Aegean Sea 6) An independent kingdom or state made up of a city and the surrounding lands it controls. a) City-State b) Island c) Country 7) The body of water located between the peninsula of Greece in the west and Turkey in the east. a) Aegean Sea b) Mediterranean Sea c) Black Sea 8) King of Persia from 486 to 465 BCE. He led an invasion of Greece that led to the downfall of the Achaemenian Empire. a) Darius b) Xerxes c) Leonidas d) Thedipides 9) A city in ancient Egyp, 419 miles south of Cairo. It was the capital in Egypt's period of greater splendor. a) Athens b) Sparta c) Thebes d) Cairo 10) Who fought in the Persian War a) Persia and Greece b) Persia and Carthage c) Persia and Rome d) Persia and Turkey 11) Why did King Darius attack Greece? a) revenge b) power c) pride d) all of the above 12) Which battle formation did the Greeks use to defeat the Persians a) The Testudo b) The Phalanx c) The Triple Line d) The Wedge 13) Which Battle did the 300 Spartans attempt to hold off thousands of Persian soldiers in a narrow pass? a) Battle of Thermoplyae b) Battle of Etretia c) Battle of Marathon d) Battle of Salamis 14) An agreement that the remaining Greek city states would help each other a) Apollonian League b) Ionian League c) Delian League d) None of the above 15) What are the names of the four cultures that influenced the ancient Greeks? a) Minoans, Mycenaeans, Phoenicians, and Dorians b) Minoans, Italians, Phoenicians, and Dorians c) Minoans, Mycenaeans, Phoenicians, and Spartans d) Etruscans, Romans, Phoenicians, and Dorians 16) This group were outdoorsy and athletic: a) Minoans b) Dorians c) Mycenaeans d) Pheonicians 17) This group were master ship builders a) Minoans b) Dorians c) Mycenaeans d) Pheonicians 18) The group that influenced Greek religious practices: a) Minoans b) Pheonicians c) Dorians d) Mycenaeans 19) Who took over after the Mycenaeans a) Minoans b) Dorians c) Spartans d) Phoencians 20) Who wrote the Greek epics the Iliad and the Odyssey? a) Homer b) Socrates c) Leonidas d) Aristotle

Greek Geography and Society Exam


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