MAKE: ... a career, ... a choice, ... a fortune, ... a fuss about sth, ... a living, ... a mess of sth, ... a point of doing sth, ... an appointment, ... an effort, ... friends with sb, ... fun of sb, ... your bed, ... the best of sth, ... use of sth, ... an impression on sb, ... a wish, ... up your mind, ... no difference, ... a complaint, ... ends meet, ... money, ... yourself at home, ... no sense, ... sb angry, ... sure, TAKE: ... a nap, ... a risk, ... a seat, ... a selfie, ... action, ... advantage of sth, ... an interest in sth, ... by surprise, ... care of sb, ... for granted, ... into consideration, ... notice of sth, ... offence at sb, ... part in sth, ... pity on sb, ... pleasure in sth, ... pride in sb, ... close to heart, ... place, ... time to do sth, ... a break, ... ages, ... your time, ... after your parents, ... a break,



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