What do you love? What do you hate? What are you keen on? I'm keen on... (= I like), Tell me about: someone you like, somewhere you want to go, something you can't stand., What does you best friend like? What does s/he look like? What is s/he like?, What do you like? What do you look like? What are you like?, What did you do last summer? I went to / met / saw / played / had / was / felt..., How did you spend last weekend? I went to / met / saw / felt / played / had / was..., Where were you two days ago? I was ... but I wasn't.... , What will you do tomorrow?  I will definitely... but I probably won't..., Who will you see tomorrow? Why? Tell me something more about this person., Where would you like to go on your dream holiday? Why? What would you like to do there?, Which famous person would you like to meet? What would you like to ask him/her?, What's your favourite sport? How well can you do it? Are you a fan of any sports team? Have you got some sports equiplemt at home?, Do you prefer watching films or reading books? Tell me about your favourite film/TV series/book., Describe your favourite animal. It is... It has got... It can... I would like to have it at home because..., Describe your room. In my room there is... but there isn't... There are a lot of... but there aren't any..., What will you do on holiday if the weather is good? If the weather is good, I will... and .... ., What will you do next weekend if the weather is bad? If the weather is bad, I will... and .... ., Do you agree summer break is better than winter break? What's the best month of the year?, Do you agree maths is more difficult than history? What's the most difficult school subject?, Do you agree being sick is worse than being bored at school? What's the worst problem at school?  , Have you ever flown by plane? When was it? How was it? Was it a long flight or a short one? , What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten? Who prepared this meal? What were the ingredients? , Have you done your homework yet? Is there any type of homework you can't stand? What is it?, What are you doing right now? Tell me 5 actions at least :D (myślę, oddycham, skupiam się itp.), What is happening at the moment? What are your friends and family doing now?  , What are you going to do after the class? What are you not going to do? Why?, What are your plans for next holiday? What are you going to do? What would you love to do if you could?.

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