1) Martin can't ride his little brother's bike. He's too ... . a) short b) tall c) young 2) Lisa doesn't want to walk home. She's too ... . a) old b) tired c) dirty 3) Tom can't do his homework. It's too ... . a) easy b) difficult c) clean 4) Helen likes the shoes, but they're 300 euros! That's too ... . a) cheap b) expensive c) difficult 5) Can I have some cold water in my tea? It's too ... . a) hot b) cold c) clean 6) My brother can't drive. He's too ... . a) young b) old c) expensive 7) My little brother's shoes are too ... for him. He needs some new ones. a) big b) small c) dirty 8) We're having a great holiday, but it's too ... - only five days! a) short b) long c) difficult 9) Where's your new T-shirt? That one's too ... ! a) dirty b) clean c) cheap

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