It is very ____ to have rain in April. In summer the temperature ____. Our school is ____ near a park. The pieces of ice were 1 metre ____. Last month we had the ____ to interview a famous writer. You have to study ____ everything that is in the unit. ____ to the latest research, sugar is very bad for you. Talking to people is a very important social ____. I saw a lot of ____ faces at the concert. You need to ____ a decision soon about what to do this summer. The police gave him a ____ for providing important information about the case. You should always leave a ____ before you leave a restaurant. Most people ____ summer with holidays. I ____ the file to the e-mail. ____ the prizes, I think we should give money Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles ____ the nearest city.

PET Reading Part 5


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