1) John and Susan decided ___ married.  a) to get b) getting  2) I agreed ___ you because you're my best friend. a) to help b) helping 3) Your son is very helpful. He offerred ___ my bag. a) to carry b) carrying 4) She promised ___ me later this week. a) to call b) calling 5) Promise ___ anyone. It's a secret! a) not to tell b) not telling 6) Mum suggested ___ a picnic at the weekend. a) to have b) having 7) The bus was late, but I didn't mind __ a few minutes. a) to wait b) waiting 8) They invited him ___ with them for a week. a) to come and stay b) coming and staying 9) I don't like my dad ___ in the shower. a) to sing b) singing 10) My cousin taught me ___ the guitar. a) to play b) playing 11) I'd like you __ after school. a) to come b) coming 12) We plan ___ next year. a) to travel b) travelling 13) My sister wants ___ another language. a) to learn b) learning 14) I really enjoy ___ early in the morning. a) to get up b) getting up 15) I'd like ___ a new hobby. a) to take up b) taking up 16) I don't think ___ exercise is boring. It's very healthy. a) to do b) doing 17) I really like ___ for clothes. a) to shop b) shopping 18) ___ a parking space is difficult in the mornings. a) to find b) finding 19) ___ to school is a great way to get some exercise. a) to walk b) walking 20) ___ is fun. I love making dinner for my family. a) to cook b) cooking 21) ___ is a great way to get fit, but I’m afraid of the water! a) to swim b) swimming 22) It's fascinating ___ about other people and cultures. a) to learn b) learning 23) ___ is not allowed during the exam. a) to cheat b) cheating 24) ___ makes me nervous. I prefer traveling by train. a) to fly b) flying 25) I really hate ___ dirty dishes! a) to wash b) washing 26) My brother practises ___ every weekend.  a) to cycle b) cycling 27) My little brother is afraid of ___ in the dark. a) to sleep b) sleeping 28) I hope ___ my project untill next Monday. a) to finish b) finishing 29) I'm becoming better at __ my day. a) to plan b) planning 30) I was really surprised ___ my friend at the cinema. She told me she was busy. a) to meet b) meeting 31) You don't seem ___ the party. Are you bored? a) to enjoy b) enjoying 32) Do you miss ___ to primary school? a) to go b) going 33) You were very lucky ___ those dolphins. a) to see b) seeing

EO4 Unit 6 Gerund or Infinitive


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