1) Look over there. The man that is wearing the red tie won the election last year. a) The man who is wearing b) The man wearing c) The man worn 2) 1. The pictures which are chosen as default on LinkedIn should look professional and clean. a) The pictures chosen b) The pictures choosing c) The pictures that chose 3) 2. There are lots of people who are not posting anything on social media anymore. a) ..people not posting b) ..people not posted c) ...people who don´t post 4) 3. That young woman that is carrying an umbrella is the one who was cancelled on Twitter! a) ...woman carried b) ...woman who carries c) ...woman carrying 5) 4. I don’t think anyone who is attempting to advance their career can ignore LinkedIn. a) ...anyone attempted b) ...anyone attempting c) ...anyone who attempts 6) 5. I believe the time which is spent improving your social media profile image is an investment. a) ...the time that is spent b) ...the time spent c) ...the time spending

I3- L17- Reduced relative clauses


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