irreversible - Technology often changes our social habits in a way taht is ..., so you can't really go back to the way things used to be., innovative - The secret to a good inventor is being ... so that you constantly invent new things., gloomy - If you don't like technology, you may feel that the future is very dark and somewhat ... , overwhelming - The concept of cyberspace and the Internet is so vast that is ... . Only a genius could come up with that., daunting - The speed at which technology is constantly changing can be somewhat ..., mind-blowing - The special effects in this film are so powerful and exciting that are quite ..., hologram - A three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laseror other coherent light source., fifth-generation - Technology that is very advanced and includes artificial intelligence., robotics - A branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots., bleeding-edge - Technology that has been released but is still not ready for the general public due to the fact that it has not been reliably tested.,



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