1) Have you ever stayed up all night to revise for an exam the next day? How well did you do in the exam? 2) Are you a light sleeper or do you sleep like a log? How do you usually wake up in the morning? 3) Do you have a TV or computer in your bedroom? Do you often watch TV before going to sleep? Do you ever fall asleep on the sofa in front of the TV? 4) Do you snore? Have you ever had to share a room with someone who snores? Was this a problem?  5) Have you ever fallen asleep at an embarrassing moment e.g. during a class or a meeting? 6) Have you ever overslept and missed something important? what was it? 7) Think of a song or piece of music that you remember hearing and liking when you were a child. Where did you first hear it? How old were you? Why did you like it? 8) On a typical day, when and where do you listen to music? 9) Do you listen to different kinds of music at different times of day? 10) What music would you play if you were feeling sad and you wanted to feel more cheerful? Why? 11) What music would you play if you were feeling furious about something or somebody? Why? 12) What music would you play if you were feeling excited and were getting ready to go out for the evening? Why? 13) Do you have a favourite kind of music? EXPLAIN 14) Do you have a favourite song? EXPLAIN 15) What actors do you particularly enjoy watching? Why do you like them? Which performances particularly? 16) What's one of the best films you've seen recently? Why did you like it so much? 17) Do you ever go to the theatre? Do you prefer it to the cinema? Why (not)? What plays have you seen? 18) Have you ever acted in a play or film? What was it, and what part did you play? Did you get stage fright? 19) What are the most common crimes in your town or city? 20) Do you have capital punishment in your country? If not, would you re-introduce it? 21) Do you know anyone who has been burgled? What happened? 22) Do you know anyone who who has been stopped by the police while driving? What happened? 23) Do you know anyone who who has been mugged? What happened?

SUPERIOR SPEAKING Mid term revision


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