1. A bit nervous, a bit ____, you've got that adrenaline pumping. 2. He is described as a loser, who is constantly____ about his capabilities. 3. That's not true, I think 'Tween Wave' music is complex and awesome and speaks to my youthful ____ spirit, Sharon. 4. That requires strategic planning, careful integration and ____measures. 5. Don't play the ____ rich girl card. 6. So, Alice was very outgoing and ____, while George was shy and introvert. 7. Underneath that laid-back, easy attitude, he's really controlling and ____. 8. He gets a little ____ if he forgets his medication. First he's all doom and gloom, then, suddenly, euphoric and happy beyond happiness. 9. So, he is more understanding — more ____, more sensitive than I, is that it? 10. You are as ____ as my mule. 11. You know he's not ____. He just doesn't have what it takes. 12. When he feels he might lose, he becomes too aggressive. He's too ____, if you ask me. 13. The United Nations is just such a big ____ friend. 14. Amelia was a very warm woman, ____ and sensual.

1B Personality adjectives


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