1) Canada is situated in ... a) in Africa b) in Europe c) in North America d) In South America 2) The official languages are ... a) English and Ukrainian b) French and English c) American and British d) English and Spanish 3) Canada is.... a) the largest country in the world b) the second largest country in the world c) the third largest county in the world d) very small country 4) Canada has a population of a) 50 million of people b) 46 million c) 40 million d) 10 million 5) Tim Hortons is.... and they call it Timmies a) a popular supermarket b) a popular coffee shop c) a popular restaurant d) a popular gas station 6) Over half of Canadians live .... a) near the southern border b) by the ocean c) in the wilderness d) abroad 7) There are .... provinces in Canada a) 5 b) 9 c) 15 d) 10 8) The capital city of Ottawa is located in the province of .... a) Ontario b) Manitoba c) Quebec d) Yukon 9) The symbol of Canada is a ... a) buffalo b) a maple tree c) an apple tree d) a unicorn 10) One dollar coin is called .... and two dollar coin is called.... a) poonie/ moonie b) boonie / doonie c) loonie / toonie d) bucks / cents 11) The head of the government is  a) The Queen b) The Prime minister c) The President d) the Major 12) There are two official Sports in Canada. They are a) gymnastics and karate b) football and basketball c) hockey and ice skating d) hockey and lacrosse 13) the national animal is ... a) moose b) badger c) beaver d) skunk 14) Canadians spend a lot of money on paying ... a) for education b) taxes c) for health care d) for getting a job 15) The biggest export in Canada is.... a) milk b) wood c) oil d) maple syrup 16) Canada has the greatest number of .... in the world a) animal species b) aborigines c) freshwater lakes d) tesla cars

Interesting facts about Canada


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