1) Probably you (A1) ... of the bongo, a rare and beautiful antelope whose habitat is the mountains of Kenya. a) were never heard b) have never heard c) are never heard d) were never hearing e) had never heard 2) Bongos have been endangered for many years. In 1960s, Don Hunt, who has once been a bongo hunter, (A2) ... a conservation programme which would help save these animals. a) was started b) has started c) has been starting d) started e) is started 3) He caught 20 bongos and took them to zoos in the United States, where they had a safe place to live and breed. The programme was so successful that there are now 400 bongos in the United States. In 2004, 18 bongos (A3) ... back to Africa, where only a few dozen native bongos were left. a) took b) have taken c) were taking d) had taken e) were taken 4) The American-born bongos, which were born in the zoo, cannot survive in the wild. However, in the future, when their offspring are released, a new generation of bongos (A4) ... free in the African mountains. a) will live b) will be lived c) lives d) had lived e) is living

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