1) She ....... shopping last week. a) has gone b) went 2) I ....... in Paris when I was a child. a) have lived b) lived 3) We ....... a football match yesterday evening. a) watched b) have watched 4) She ....... Rome two years ago. a) has visited b) visited 5) She ....... to London. She is still there. a) has gone b) went 6) Mary ....... to London since last week. a) has been b) was 7) I ....... here for three years. a) lived b) have lived 8) We ....... him in the cinema yesterday. a) saw b) have seen 9) Your daughter ....... back home very late last night. a) has come b) came 10) I ....... you a present two days ago. a) bought b) have bought 11) Last night my mother ....... to bed very late. a) has gone b) went 12) Last month we ....... to New York. a) moved b) have moved 13) I ....... in Poland for ten years. a) lived b) have lived 14) Chris ....... in the hospital for six months.  a) has worked b) worked 15) I ....... you since Monday. a) have known b) knew 16) We ....... an email. Can you check it, please? a) sent b) have just sent 17) Untill now I ....... two windows. a) cleaned b) have cleaned 18) My brother ....... Mexico three times. a) was in b) has been to 19) I ....... John this week. a) have seen b) saw 20) I ....... France. a) was never in b) have never been to

Past simple VS Present Perfect n2


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